Hobbits are some of the most heart-warming characters in all of literature, thanks to J.R.R. Tolkien showing that big heroism comes in small packages in his highfantasy novels. Peter Jackson'sLord of the Ringstrilogy andThe Hobbitfilms brought Tolkien's work to life and introduced movie audiences to characters like Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, all of which have become fan favorites.

Whether they were displaying great feats of courage or debating the existence of Second Breakfast, fans rooted for them because they represented the altruism and resilience of underdogs. While they were capable of bringing much melodrama to the films, they also contributed to a large majority of its comic relief, which made for some truly great meme inspiration.


Though Boromir could come off as surly in theThe Fellowship of the Ring, he developed quite a rapport with the hobbits, especially Merry and Pippin. There are several scenes that involve him teaching them how to fight with swords, only for training to descend into playful chaos.

When Boromir sounded the horn of Gondor for aid in battling the Uruk-hai, Merry and Pippin charged to his defense with what little skill he'd given them. The brave hobbits may not have possessed combat acumen enough to save their friend, but his lessons remained with them for the rest of the films.


That hobbits like to eat is a bit of an understatement, when fans consider that inThe Fellowship of the Ringalone, Merry and Pippin verified that they eat not only second breakfast, but elevensies, afternoon tea, lunch, dinner, and supper.

By the time they got to Lothlorien, and Galadriel had graciously given them some elvish lambas bread for the rest of their journey, they ate several loaves where one bite could satiate a grown man.


One of the most distinguishing things about hobbits, other than their small stature and large appetites, is the fact that they prefer to traverse The Shire barefoot. Which makes sense, considering it's covered with grassy fields, flower beds, and soft moss.

Once Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin left to join The Fellowship however, they were forced to traverse plenty of terrain that looked inhospitable for hobbit feet. Over thousands of years, hobbit feet could have gotten comparable to shoe leather, their tough pads offering some sort of protection.


While hobbits aren't known for being particularly aggressive, they can be stubborn and quarrelsome, especially if it comes down to matters of Farmer Maggot's vegetables and taking accountability for setting off fireworks at Bilbo's 111th birthday.

Their stubbornness, combined with their bravery is why they survived the War of the Ring, and why they were selected for the Fellowship, so seeing Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin in a stance resembling the cast ofReservoir Dogsseems only fair.


Peregrin Took was the youngest of the hobbits in the Fellowship, and as a result often behaved immaturely and impulsively. This got him no shortage of thrashings by Gandalf's staff, especially when he gazed into Sauron's palantir.

Though the hobbits could get on Gandalf's bad side, he always saw the good in them. In both J.R.R. Tolkien's novels and inThe Lord of the Ringsfilms, Gandalf applauded the virtues of hobbits, and knew despite their unassuming ways they were more than capable of being tasked with destroying the One Ring.


When speaking of gangster hobbits, there aren't any that deserve the description more than Bilbo Baggins. The OG ring bearer before Frodo came along, he managed to outsmart Gollum's riddles to get it, and keep it safe from Sauron's clutches for decades.

Most hobbits just want to stay at home by the hearth, smoking some good pipe-weed and tucking into a hot meal, but Bilbo decided there was more to life than The Shire and had himself a great adventure.


Hobbits are renowned for their ability to pack enormous amounts of food away despite their relatively small frames. Merry and Pippin could eat several loaves of lambas bread to themselves, and Sam always made sure he and Frodo were well fed on their journey to Mordor.

If there was one snack in Middle-Earth that hobbits were bound to be fans of, it would probably be hot pockets. Though microwaves don't exist in Tolkien's fictional fantasy world, Sam and Frodo could just roast some over the fires of Mount Doom.


Viewers no doubt scratched their heads at the conclusion ofThe Fellowship of the Ringwhen Frodo tried to make off in a boat alone, leaving the rest of the Fellowship behind. If Sam hadn't caught up to him, he would have faced the long trek to Mordor alone, and probably not made it.

While he was concerned for the safety of his group, especially when he saw that not only were they being picked off by Sauron's spies, but the One Ring was spreading its destructive power, he should have known that he would have had more success with greater numbers and not fewer.


To some fans, Samwise Gamgee is the real horror ofThe Lord of the Ringsfilms. Strong, brave, and resilient, the gardener-turned-ring-bearer-carrier is cited as the real reason that Frodo made it to Mount Doom and managed to destroy the One Ring.

After the quest is concluded, Sam appropriately lives out his life in perfect bliss, marrying Rosie and raising a family of tiny halfling children. Not bad for a hobbit who began the trilogy cutting some grass under Frodo's window.


J.R.R. Tolkien was such an extensive world-builder that when he started writingThe Hobbitin the late 1920s, he created the word "hobbit" from "holybytla", which meant "hole builder" in his own fictional etymology.

He created the word by combining the Old English word for "a hole or hollow"holwithbytlan,the verb "to build". Comparisons to "rabbit" he denied (despite their lifestyles mimicking hobbits with their homes made in hillsides), but Bilbo gets compared to one several times throughout the book.

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